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cues by nik


Biomechanics for Trainer & ambitious Gym Goers

  • Divided roughly into 50 % lecture content and 50 % practical application 
  • This workshop aims to widen the biomechanical knowledge of ambitious trainees and Personal Trainer to help improve their work with clients. It gives an in-depth insight into human movement by teaching basic to advanced biomechanics principles that can then be applied into physical training in and outside the gym. Some abstract concepts will make a lot more sense once the exercise implications are shown in a training setting. Besides the gain in knowledge about the theory of human movement, the goal is to sensibilize attendees for key concepts such as biomechanical correct squatting, hinging and reaching.  
  • There is also an assessment section included which will be greatly beneficial for trainer but also for self-check purposes for any other attendee.  
  • Participants will receive a certificate in the end. 
  • There is no prior knowledge required, however basic understanding of biomechanics will benefit you to grasp concepts faster. 
  • Since human movement is far more complex than a 5-hour workshop, lecture content will be provided in a handout format and there will be a members chat group in WhatsApp for any follow up questions and discussions. 

Duration: 5 hours (includes 30 min break) 

Price: 350 € 

Progressive Bodyweight Strength Training and Skill Acquisition

  • Divided roughly into 30 % lecture content and 70 % practical application.  
  • This workshop aims to give an introduction of general strength training guidelines and specifically focuses on building bodyweight skills from scratch. You are right if you enjoy bodyweight style training and build a resilient and capable body.  It is especially suited for beginners who just started with bodyweight training to provide assistance in how to program for skill-based training to allow for motor patterning to develop but particularly gain basic strength. I am a big proponent of establishing a very strong baseline from which you can benefit in a broad variety. The goal is to be able to transfer the strength gained into various exercises and skills to achieve something I like to call physical intelligence which allows to learn new things quicker due to prior acquired positional strength and motor patterning.  
  • There is no prior experience needed in bodyweight training.  
  •  Also, attendees are welcome to join a WhatsApp group with likeminded people where questions can be asked, and stories can be shared. Let’s inspire each other and grow together. 

Duration: 4 hours (includes 30 min break)

Price: 200 €

Handstands and Movement Flow

  • This workshop is a 100 % practical workshop 
  • Get ready for an introduction into the wonderful world of being upside down and movement integrated into flow. It is suitable for all levels and aims to teach key principles of handstand training. Elements are correct scapula activation drills, beginner hand balances, tackling the psychological fear of falling, preparing for the first freestanding handstand and assistance strength drills. The second part of the workshop will be movement flows that are first practiced individually and then integrated into a bigger context of a movement flow. It is inspired by Animal Flow Movements. 

Duration: 2 hours (includes 30 min break)

Price: 50 €


Zur Namensgebung – „Cues“?

Coaching Cues sind meiner Ansicht nach der Grund, warum Personal Training deutlich effektiver sein kann als herkömmliches Training im Fitnessstudio. Die wortwörtliche Übersetzung von Cue ist „Hinweis“. Im Coaching Kontext sind Cues kurze prägnante Anweisungen, die zur korrekten Übungsausführung verhelfen sollen. Cueing ist in gewisser Weise eine Kunst für sich, da es darum geht der/dem Trainierenden einen leicht zu verstehenden Tipp zu geben, der es ihr/ihm ermöglicht sich nur darauf zu konzentrieren, ohne dabei von zu vielen anderen Hinweisen abgelenkt zu werden. Speziell für das Bewegungslernen ist das ein essenzielles Kriterium.